Program table - no automatic session row text

  • Closed


Under Content > website > programs, when you add a session row, the text "Session 1" is automatically inserted in the first table column cell of that row. Because the different depth levels of our programs usually have different uses and/or terminology, we would like to see the automatically inserted text removed and be able to set the text (or set no text) ourselves.

as such, we currently cannnot use session-rows because they would be very confusion for our audience. However, we would like to use them very much to clarify the hierarchy within our program, provided we can get rid of the text.


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Status changed to: Closed



Hi There, I notice you're still using our old program page that has been removed? By duplicating old events? Ideally, you use our new program page that has a beautiful design and much more capabilities :). You'll find our user guide here : www.idloom.com/en/events/resources/master-event-program-creation-new-program-builder

I am sure you will love it !