Disabling late registration changes or -cancellations

  • Under review


At the moment, participants can change or cancel their registration up until the very moment the event starts. Because this creates extra work for our staff, it would be ideal if an option could be created that disables participants' ability to change of cancel their registration within a certain period before the event starts.

It will be necessary to write a clarifying message to participants that wish to change/cancel in this timeframe how they can get in contact with us to clarify things.


Activity Newest / Oldest



Status changed to: Under review



We are planning to enhance our editing rules to enable these capabilities. Our objective is to consolidate additional features into our current editing and cancellation options. For instance, this includes setting a deadline for when attendees can make changes or cancel registrations. Another example is implementing a rule that permits adding additional options but restricts removal. Once we have finalized the full scope of these enhancements, we will provide you with updates. Thank you for your suggestion; I appreciate your idea!