User onboarding 🚀 - Resource center 🧠 - AI Assistant 🤖

  • In progress


At idloom, we are deeply committed to providing exceptional customer service, and we are thrilled to announce three significant enhancements that reflect this dedication: our improved User Onboarding process, a comprehensive Resource Center, and a new AI Assistant.

User Onboarding

We understand that a smooth and efficient onboarding experience is crucial for our users. Our revamped onboarding process is designed to help new users get up to speed quickly and effortlessly. With step-by-step guidance, interactive tutorials, and personalized support, you’ll be able to navigate our platform with ease from day one.

Resource Center

Our new Resource Center is a one-stop hub for all the information and tools you need to maximize your use of idloom. Featuring detailed guides, video tutorials, FAQs, and best practices, the Resource Center is designed to provide you with the knowledge and support you need at your fingertips. Whether you're looking to troubleshoot an issue or explore advanced features, our Resource Center has you covered.

AI Assistant

To further enhance your experience, we are introducing an AI Assistant that is available 24/7 to answer your questions and provide instant support. This intelligent assistant can guide you through various processes, offer solutions to common problems, and connect you with additional resources. Our AI Assistant ensures you have access to immediate assistance whenever you need it, making your interaction with our platform seamless and efficient.


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Status changed to: In progress