Threshold price for payment methods

  • Live


In the back office

Add a section under "other payment method" - where event organizers can select if they want certain payment methods to be available only if a certain threshold is met.

By default the payment methods selected above will be used as general payment method (There has to be a default payment method).

The event organizer can activate the payment method above a certain threshold - indicate the threshold and then in a checkbox, select the additional methods that will be available when the threshold is met.

Please note: This feature can only be activated if the event organizer has set up at least 2 different payment methods (e.g. Bank transfer & online payment).

On the event website

If threshold is not met, payment methods with thresholds will be greyed out and a explanatory note will appear.

Explore the detailed insights and instructions in our user guide to make the most of our features: https://www.idloom.com/en/events/resources/threshold-and-or-admin-fees-feature-manage-transactions-and-payments


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