Pass URL parameters to optimize registration forms

  • Live


We have some fantastic news to share with you. Our team is actively working on a requested feature that will revolutionize your event management experience.

You'll have even more control over your registration forms and ticketing process. Here's what you can expect:

Prepopulate Categories: Pass URL parameters to prepopulate categories on the registration form, making it easier for attendees to select their desired category. You'll have the flexibility to manage category removals or additions directly within Idloom, without requiring additional assistance.

Hide Unused Categories: Hide irrelevant categories on the registration form by passing URL parameters. This ensures a streamlined and user-friendly experience for your attendees. And yes, you'll have the autonomy to manage category changes effortlessly within Idloom.

Disable Basic Registration Fields: Pass URL parameters to disable certain basic registration form fields, such as first name, last name, and email address. Tailor the registration process to your specific needs and capture only the necessary information.

Prepopulate Dropdown Menus: Easily prepopulate dropdown menus on your registration form by passing URL parameters. Save time and make the registration process smoother for your attendees.

We're dedicated to empowering you with advanced customization options that simplify event management. With these new capabilities, you'll have greater flexibility and control, ensuring a seamless and tailored experience for your participants.

Have a look at our user guide for more information: https://www.idloom.com/en/events/resources/pass-url-parameters-form-prefill-and-customization


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Status changed to: In progress